Black signature for forum
Today I'll teach you how to make a signature for a forum with a size of 400*150, this requires knowledge,
and if you know how to create signatures, you'll be able to do a lot of other things.
So let's start, open a new document 400 * 150:
Put in your stock (your picture)
Today I'll teach you how to make a signature for a forum with a size of 400*150, this requires knowledge,
and if you know how to create signatures, you'll be able to do a lot of other things.
So let's start, open a new document 400 * 150:
Put in your stock (your picture)
Smudge with a hard round brush (the circle with a hard edge which you get with default brushes) with this properties:
This part:
Now copy your stock a few times, delete some parts, just leave the ones that cover the body and the neck, so it could be more original.
Layer>new>layer, Image>apply imagine and then duplicate the layer layer>duplicate layer... use liquify and track around the woman, and on the end delete everything that seems ugly and everything that goes over her.
Using the hard round brush, paint the black at right and the left side, download this set of brushes and take this set of brushes, and with the fifth brush in the row, with these properties.
Smudge a bit and you'll get this:
With the pen tool add two lines, you do that by choosing 2 spots on the signature, you'll get a line from one chosen spot to another, then you click somewhere on the line, holding the ctrl button you go around with your mouse to get the wanted shape.
Now put the c4d render in your work and put it on overlay:
Combine them with ctrl+e and put the gradient map (image>adjustements>gradient map):
And you got this:
Now it's the makeup part, new layer, apply image go to Adjustment>briggtness/ contrast - briggtness= -10 contrast= +30 layer>new adjustment> gradient map, take the black&white gradient and put opacity to 14 %:
Now take dodge and burn tool, and at the dark places, darken it up a bit, and at the bright places, brighten it up a bit
Paint the new layer into black and put it to linear dodge, with a white soft round brush 65 px and with the smaller opacity draw the source of light.
new layer, apply image, and duplicate it Upper layer, put blur, and sharpen the lower one on the upper layer with a soft round brush delete her head and the part of a body we originally made.
this part:
It jumped out a bit so we'll put it back by using liquify:
Using the rectangular marquee tool, make the stroke up and down.
Put in some details, and add the font, I personally used JaneAusten and Mofnotype corsiva:
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